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3 Million Children May Lose Medicaid Coverage in Coming Weeks

Last Updated on November 10, 2023 by SPN Editor

In a distressing development, recent analyses by the Georgetown Center for Children and Families and KFF have unveiled a concerning trend in the American safety net. Over two million low-income children have lost their Medicaid coverage since the expiration of a federal policy that guaranteed coverage through Medicaid earlier in the Covid-19 pandemic. This marks one of the fastest and most drastic disruptions since the inception of Medicaid in 1965.

The figures, though likely an undercount, underscore the severity of the situation, with bureaucratic errors contributing to many children losing coverage. As the Medicaid rolls began shrinking, it remains unclear how many children have found new coverage, but at least one million are estimated to still be uninsured. Shockingly, this trend is expected to escalate, with projections suggesting that three million children may lose Medicaid coverage in the coming weeks.

Joan Alker, the executive director of the Georgetown Center, describes the situation as unprecedented and warns of its potential to significantly increase the uninsured rate for children, marking the largest surge in decades. The unraveling of Medicaid coverage for children raises critical concerns about the well-being of vulnerable populations.

Reasons Behind the Medicaid Coverage Erosion

Administrative Issues and Income Fluctuations

The primary drivers behind the loss of Medicaid coverage among children are administrative issues and fluctuations in family income. Administrative hurdles, such as paperwork discrepancies or errors, have resulted in the disqualification of children who remain eligible for federal assistance.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation, with federal provisions protecting Medicaid coverage during the pandemic set to expire. As states move to reevaluate eligibility, millions of children face the risk of losing their Medicaid coverage, intensifying an already precarious situation.

Urgent Call for Intervention

The loss of Medicaid coverage for millions of low-income children demands immediate attention from state and federal policymakers. The potential consequences on children’s health and well-being necessitate swift action to mitigate coverage losses, ensure data transparency, and implement interventions to prevent children from becoming uninsured.

Available Health Insurance Options for Low-Income Families

Low-income families in the United States have access to various health insurance options to ensure essential healthcare coverage.

Health Insurance Marketplace:

Established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Health Insurance Marketplace offers a platform to make health insurance accessible to a broader population.


Medicaid, a joint federal and state health program, provides coverage for adults, children, pregnant women, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. Eligibility is determined based on income and other specified criteria.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP):

As part of Medicaid, CHIP extends insurance to qualifying families with low income, specifically focusing on children’s healthcare needs.

Basic Health Program:

Some states offer a Basic Health Program designed for individuals who don’t qualify for other low-income programs. It provides an additional avenue for healthcare coverage.

These programs aim to deliver comprehensive coverage at affordable costs, contingent upon household income and specific circumstances. Eligibility criteria may vary, so it is crucial to explore the details of each program and determine the most suitable option for your family’s healthcare needs.

Applying for Medicaid and CHIP

Applying for Medicaid and CHIP can be done online through the Health Insurance Marketplace, directly through the state’s Medicaid agency, or by phone. Each state has its own eligibility requirements, and residents must apply to their respective state agencies.

Post-Application Steps:

After submitting your application, your state agency will reach out to you regarding enrollment details. If your income exceeds the Medicaid threshold, your child may still qualify for CHIP.

It’s essential to be aware that not all healthcare providers accept Medicaid. Check with your state’s Medicaid agency to find a suitable Medicaid or CHIP medical provider.

State-Specific Requirements:

Remember that each state has unique requirements for Medicaid and CHIP eligibility. Factors such as age, income level, family size, and pregnancy or disability status play a role in determining eligibility.

It is crucial to engage with your state’s Medicaid agency to confirm whether you or your family members meet the specified criteria for enrollment.

Ensuring Timely Healthcare Access:

Prompt application and engagement with the enrollment process are vital to ensuring timely access to healthcare services. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of your state to streamline the application process.

Stay informed about the coverage options available, and proactively address any queries or concerns with your state’s Medicaid agency.

Accessing Medicaid and CHIP is an essential aspect of securing comprehensive healthcare coverage. Whether through online applications, direct engagement with the state’s Medicaid agency, or applying by phone, individuals and families have multiple avenues to explore.

The urgency of the situation demands collaborative efforts to address the root causes of Medicaid coverage loss, ensuring that vulnerable children receive the healthcare support they need.

The intersection of administrative challenges and the impending expiration of pandemic-related protections highlights the critical need for proactive measures to safeguard the health of low-income children across the nation.