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AMUFFA formed to promote fish farmers in Manipur

Fish farmers in Manipur

The All Manipur United Clubs’ Organisation (AMUCO) organized a special meeting of Fish farmers in Manipur today at the Organization’s Head Office in Kwakeithel Akham Leikai.

The meeting unanimously accepted to form a body called the All Manipur United Fish Farmers’ Association (AMUFFA). Mayengbam Bimolchand was appointed as President while Chabungbam Bijoy was selected as Secretary General.

Two more Vice Presidents, one Secretary Finance, three Joint Secretaries, One Publicity Secretary, and two Assistant Publicity secretaries were also appointed as officer-bearers of AMUFFA.

The newly formed Lup will work in the interest of fish farmers in Manipur. The AMUFFA will address the difficulties faced by various fish farmers in Manipur.

The agenda of today’s meeting was to work in the interest of fish farmers’ welfare and to promote the production of fish in the State. The goal of forming the Association is to produce sufficient in the State and minimize dependence on fish farming-related items from outside the State.

AMUFFA new office bearers are as follows:

Mayengbam. Bimolchand – President

Tongbram Budhi – Vice-President

Yenkokpam Binodkumar – Vice-President

Chabungbam Bijoy – Secretary General

L. Ibopishak – Secretary Finance

Elangbam Ghandharupa – Joint Secretary

Leimapokpam Akendro – Joint Secretary

Wahengbam Opendro – Joint Secretary

Moirangthem Noren – Secretary Publicity

Sagolsem Romen – Asst. Publicity Secretary

Waikhom Tikendrajit – Asst. Publicity Secretary

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