Fans of the popular anime series “Demon Slayer” have been eagerly awaiting the release of its third season, which premiered on April 9th. The new season, titled Demon Slayer Season 3: Swordsmith Village Arc,” is available for streaming on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
As per Crunchyroll, each new episode will have its usual simulcast on its platform. However, the time when each episode will premiere has not been decided yet. Some movie reviewer websites have reported that it may be around 2:15 GMT (approximately 10:15 a.m. ET).
It’s important to note that we all knew that the new season of “Demon Slayer” was already released as a movie in theaters in February 2023. and It made $30 million in Japan and $10 million in North America.
The movie “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba – To the Swordsmith Village” broke box office records in Japan. It earned over 72 million USD in just 24 days, surpassing its budget of 50 million USD in a matter of days during its domestic release.
The movie’s box office success shows that “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba” isn’t just a popular anime, but a cultural phenomenon that has captured audiences all over the world.
The popular anime “Demon Slayer” follows the journey of a boy named Tanjiro Kamado who seeks revenge for his family and a cure for his sister who became a demon. It has become very famous worldwide and has received praise for its animation, music, and story.
In this new season, Tanjiro heads to the Swordsmith Village, where he reunites with two members of the Demon Slayer Corps’ highest-ranking swordsmen: Mist Hashira Muichiro Tokita and Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji. With the shadows of demons lurking near, a new battle begins for Tanjiro and his comrades.
The first episode of the Swordsmith Village arc series will be an hour-long special that will serve as the season’s launching point. In the upcoming Demon Slayer Season 3, fans can expect a lot of action, new characters, and the appearance of an antagonist named Hantengu.