The viral copypasta news is ruining the Halloween festival in the States. It has been circulated in social media that kids will be targeted by the Drug lords. Drug candy on Halloween is the new buzzword on the Internet. But the question is will the billion-dollar drug cartel waste money during the festive season, just for fun freely.
Yes, the drug sellers might try to sell a few to the drug abusers, but it is not related to Halloween. The States are already spending huge expenditures on the War on Drugs. The US Government has been fighting against Drug lords.
Therefore, no chance at all for the distribution of Drug Candy on Halloween. And the cops must be alerted to control the sale and buying of drugs during the Halloween Festival.
As per Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), between May 23 and September 8, the organization seized 10.2 million Fentanyl pills and approximately 980 pounds of Fentanyl powder. DEA further said that the Rainbow Fentanyl was found when 26 States were busted as part of War on Drugs.
It is reported that drug smugglers will be targeting teens to sell drugs during Halloween. Marijuana candy bar might be the hot seller of Halloween candy in the States where it is legal, which is absurd and do not have any substantial proof.
What is Rainbow Fentanyl drug candy?
The Rainbow Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid, which is 50 times more potent than heroin and 67 times more potent than oxycodone. Rainbow Fentanyl is one of the contaminated Halloween candy which is supposed to target kids. Parents must be alerted to this harmful substance.
Dan Newhouse (R-WA) has warned parents to check their children’s candy for Rainbow Fentanyl. “This Halloween, parents will unfortunately face something much more haunting than ghosts — Fentanyl disguised as candy.”
Furthermore, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has said Halloween can be scary but nowhere near as scary as rainbow-colored Fentanyl that looks like candy and can be lethal in minute doses.
The threat posed to the safety of kids and young adults is very real. If the intention is to destroy future generations and devastate the US, then there might be the possibility of terror groups targeting kids and teens with Drug candy on Halloween.
For instance, instead of bombing a city mall or a gas station, the collateral damage done by Rainbow Fentanyl is a thousand times more devastating. Some are of the opinion that costly drugs cannot be distributed during Halloween free of cost. When there is evil design, anything can be possible. However, let us not be pessimist and let our kids go out with fear.
Who are we to confuse our kids about whether they should eat the candy or not? What will be the purpose of tricks or treats when we instill a fear psychosis of drug candy on Halloween? Let us forget everything and enjoy the Halloween.
Having said so, parents must be careful and take care of their kids. As it is rumored that there will be Drug Candy on Halloween, parents must inspect the candies. Whether these drugs are being transported in candy boxes or mixed with other common drugs and sold to unsuspecting users, cops must take vigil on the streets.
When it comes to Halloween candy, parents must see the quality of the Candy. They should inspect their kid’s candy before letting them eat it. Better to check food allergen than Drug Candy.
It is better to meet the vampires, spooky and scary characters during Halloween, rather than meet our kids with criminals who use drugs.