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Hiking gear to enjoy your adventure travel

Hiking gear for solo trips in the mountain

Hiking gear is essential for every hikers.

Hiking gear is essential for mountain hikers or trekkers. Buying hiking gear is a must-do list if you are planning an adventure trip! This will make your adventure travel most comfortable and hassle-free.

Your packing must include the following hiking gear. All these essential hiking gear are available online as well as in shopping stores.

Shop for the essential hiking gear

Best hiking gear for adventure travels.

Hiking poles: Highly recommended on most treks, especially for downhill sections. If you don’t bring this hiking gear with you, then keep your eye out for a tree branch or limb that can be carved for the purpose.

You need a company to support you in steep mountains or uncertain terrain. Hiking poles are simple to use and provide a load of support for hikers, walkers, and backpackers of all ages. When you’re crossing flat surfaces or probing uncertain terrain, these poles can provide stability, relieve pressure from your body, and also help to establish and maintain a consistent rhythm and increase speed. Hiking poles can help to reduce impact over time and prolong your body’s capabilities. 

Do not forget to include these in addition to the hiking gear if you want more comfortable trekking for more than a week.

Extra hiking gear for comfortable hiking or trekking

Water purification (pump, tablets)
Water bottles (at least 3 liters total capacity)
Baseball cap (the sun is strong at all elevations)
Hiking poles (lessen the impact on your joints)
Sunglasses (essential when you cross the snow line)
Headlamp with extra batteries
Reading materials
Journal and pens
Camera with extra batteries
Daypack (for your rain jacket, snacks, camera, etc.)
Heavy-duty duffle bag (preferred by porters)
Gators (many people wear them but they are not mandatory)
Hand sanitizer
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, floss, etc.)
Biodegradable bar soap
Face/body wipes
Biodegradable washing liquid
Throat lozenges, lip balm

Perfect hiking gear for mountain adventure.

Bring the highest SPF sunscreen you can find and wear a hat at all times. The sun’s rays are exceptionally powerful at altitude and you will find yourself especially exposed when there isn’t a cloud in the sky.

Even if your meals are provided to you on a trek, it’s sometimes nice to have a little something to nibble on between stops. We usually bring a small stash combination of Snickers bars, a jar of peanut butter, and crackers.

Always shop for a backpack that is big enough to hold the essentials, yet not too big that it will weigh you down. Don’t forget to bring a rain cover to protect your backpack in storms.

Shoes may be the most important thing you bring with you so if you invest in one thing in advance, invest in a solid comfortable pair of hiking shoes.

Your shoes can literally make or break a trip. At the end of a long day of walking, you may want to take off your hiking shoes and give your feet a rest. Flip flops or river shoes worn with socks are perfect.

You may be miles or days away from any doctor so be sure to have some basic medicines with you in case you (or others) fall ill.

Band-Aids, aspirin, Cipro (or another stomach antibiotic), Amoxicillin (or another basic antibiotic to treat sinus infections), rehydration packets, anti-flu powder (a packet that dissolves in water that breaks fevers may work better than a pill if someone has been throwing up), duct tape (magic in preventing and managing blisters).

Everything is ready, now book your discounted trip to your favorite hiking destinations and enjoy your hiking with this hiking gear!

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