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Manipur Patriotic Party Seeks Clarity from Visiting MPs on State’s Critical Issues

Last Updated on July 29, 2023 by SPN Editor

Imphal/ July 29, 2023 (SPN) | In response to the Opposition MPs from the newly formed alliance I.N.D.I.A, who are currently visiting Manipur today, the Manipur Patriotic Party has urged the Visiting MPs to clarify their stance on the longstanding issues that have been affecting the state.

The Manipur Patriotic Party has expressed deep regret and disappointment over the recent visits of Members of Parliament from the Indian Parliament to Manipur.

While the visits were seen as potential opportunities to address the state’s issues, the party believes that some MPs arrived with their own political and personal agendas, neglecting the vital task of understanding the root causes behind the ongoing violence in Manipur.

Manipur has been grappling with two critical concerns that demand immediate attention: illegal immigration and the alarming spread of Narco-terrorism due to its proximity to the Golden Triangle.

The Manipur Patriotic Party seeks clear answers from the visiting MPs regarding their proposed measures to effectively address these pressing issues and safeguard the future of the state.

The influx of illegal immigrants into Manipur has been a longstanding issue since the 1950s, primarily caused by recurring instability in the neighbouring country of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma).

This influx has resulted in various socio-economic challenges and demographic imbalances within the state. The Manipur Patriotic Party calls on the visiting MPs to articulate their plans to tackle this pressing issue and work towards finding a sustainable solution.

The drug trade facilitated by the infamous Golden Triangle has had a devastating impact on Manipur’s society, leading to addiction, violence, and overall instability. Countering Narco-terrorism must be a top priority for any party claiming to be concerned about Manipur’s well-being. The visiting MPs are urged to address their strategies to combat this grave threat and ensure the safety and prosperity of the state’s people.

The Manipur Patriotic Party raises valid concerns about the past inaction of these visiting MPs regarding the critical issues plaguing the state. It is crucial to understand why these MPs remained silent observers for so long and are only expressing concern now when Manipur is in turmoil. The party calls for accountability and tangible actions to address the present crisis.

The Manipur Patriotic Party seeks clarity from the visiting MPs on the role of the Congress Party in contributing to the present violent crisis in Manipur. Questions are raised about why the Congress Party, during its rule at both the Centre and the State, allowed refugees to resettle in Manipur with voting rights in the 1950s and 1960s.

Additionally, the issue of illegal immigrants obtaining Indian citizenship in an unauthorized and fraudulent manner demands answers. The party also highlights the Suspension of Operation (SoO) agreements signed between the Myanmar-based Kuki militants and the UPA government under former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, which have reportedly contributed significantly to the current crisis.

The Manipur Patriotic Party emphasizes that visiting MPs must rise above party politics and genuinely understand the root cause of the present crisis. Failure to comprehend and address these issues promptly poses a significant threat to the national security of the nation.

The party also urges the honourable MPs not to selectively pick incidents to suit their political agenda but to present an accurate and comprehensive narrative of the present crisis to the people of India and the global community through the Indian Parliament.

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