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Myanmar Nationals Seeking Refuge in India Must Respect Indian Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity

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Naypyidaw/June 18, 2023 (SPN) | The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar National Unity Government issued a crucial notification to Myanmar nationals who have sought temporary refuge in India due to security concerns.

The notification dated June 15, 2023, aimed at ensuring a peaceful and respectful coexistence between the refugees and the host country, highlights several key points that individuals and social organizations founded by Myanmar nationals must adhere to.

Respecting Indian Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
In a strong appeal, the notification emphasizes the utmost importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of India. It calls upon all Myanmar nationals to refrain from engaging in any activities that may undermine or threaten these principles.

This commitment is crucial for maintaining a harmonious relationship between the refugees and their host country.

Non-Involvement in Political and Administrative Matters
The Ministry urges caution and advises against unnecessary involvement in political and administrative affairs within India. Specifically, Myanmar nationals are urged to avoid engaging in political party election campaigns and ethnic-based conflicts within the state where they have sought refuge.

By adhering to this guideline, the refugees can help maintain political stability and focus on their own safety and well-being.

Prohibition of Illegal Activities
The notification also makes it clear that engaging in illegal activities will not be tolerated. Myanmar nationals seeking refuge in India are strictly prohibited from participating in illegal practices such as drug trafficking, wildlife trafficking, and related offenses.

By adhering to the law and respecting the rules and regulations of their host country, the refugees can contribute to a safe and secure environment for everyone.

Harmonious Coexistence with Host Communities
The Ministry emphasizes the importance of fostering harmonious coexistence between the refugees and the host communities. Myanmar nationals are urged to respect the religious and social norms of the communities they are residing in.

This includes adhering to the rules and regulations set within the wards or villages where they have sought refuge. By cultivating a spirit of mutual respect, the refugees can build strong relationships with the local population and contribute positively to their new surroundings.

Seeking Assistance and Support
In recognition of the challenges faced by Myanmar nationals in their host country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides guidance on seeking assistance. In case of any social problems or difficulties encountered, the refugees are encouraged to reach out to the nearest Myanmar parliamentarians and responsible individuals from social organizations.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stands ready to provide further assistance if necessary. This support network aims to ensure that the needs and concerns of the refugees are effectively addressed.

Dissemination of the Notification
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests the cooperation of Myanmar parliamentarians and social organizations in disseminating this notification among refugee camps and related communities.

By spreading awareness of the guidelines outlined in the notification, all stakeholders can work together to promote understanding, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence between Myanmar nationals and the host communities in India.

As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes proactive steps to address the concerns of Myanmar nationals seeking refuge in India, the notification serves as a reminder of the importance of mutual respect, adherence to the law, and harmonious coexistence.

By following these guidelines, the refugees can contribute positively to their host country while also ensuring their own safety and well-being.

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar National Unity Government remains committed to supporting its citizens abroad and fostering strong relationships with the countries providing refuge to those in need.

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