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Nancy Pelosi Offers Counsel on Matt Gaetz’s Plan to Oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Nancy Pelosi blasts Matt Gaetz who wants to remove McCarthy.

Nancy Pelosi blasts Matt Gaetz who wants to remove McCarthy.

NYC/October 02, 2023 (SPN) | Rep. Nancy Pelosi has weighed in on Rep. Matt Gaetz’s strategy to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, offering counsel to fellow Democrats: “Follow the leader.”

During her appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the representative from California’s 12th congressional district, provides valuable guidance to Democrats facing a critical decision regarding a potential motion to depose Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Tapper’s inquiry, “House Democrats seek your expert counsel amidst discussions about the pending motion to remove Kevin McCarthy as the Speaker. What stance will you take, and what advice do you have for your fellow Democratic colleagues concerning their trust in Kevin McCarthy if he proposes strategies to maintain his position?” prompts Pelosi to cast a discerning eye on Rep. Matt Gaetz, who had previously shared the program with her.

She opines that the influence of the Florida Republican is of limited significance within the hallowed halls of the House of Representatives.

Earlier, during his conversation with Tapper, Matt Gaetz indicated his intention to submit a motion to vacate sometime within the upcoming week.

Pelosi, however, expressed her reservations, remarking, “Investing time in that individual would be unproductive, as his influence within the House of Representatives is predominantly limited to television appearances and online fundraising endeavors.”

“He serves primarily as a distracting figure, with his impact confined to televised appearances and online fundraising efforts,” Pelosi remarks about Gaetz.

Nancy Pelosi proceeds to provide straightforward advice to her Democratic counterparts, stating, “I recommend following the leadership’s course.” Pelosi commends the accomplishments of Hakeem Jeffries and highlights a recent victory in the realm of the continuing resolution, deeming it a significant win for the Democratic cause and a setback for proponents of the MAGA movement.

Within the Republican ranks, multiple voices have emerged, critiquing McCarthy’s handling of funding negotiations. Rep. Byron Donalds, representing Florida’s 19th congressional district, declared on “Fox News Sunday” that the Speaker is confronting challenges following the approval of a short-term funding agreement on Saturday.

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