Despite the ongoing mobile internet ban in Manipur, the petition to review and rectify UN Press Release on the Manipur issue has successfully gathered more than 100,000 online signatures. The council remains hopeful that the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights will review and rectify the UN press release issued by the Special Mandate Holders.
On October 23, 2023, the World Meetei Council, representing the Meeteis in India and the Meetei diaspora around the world, including numerous concerned individuals from various communities, launched a petition that has united to amplify a collective voice representing hundreds of thousands of individuals. This plea seeks to review and rectify of the UN Press Release to ensure a more equitable and comprehensive understanding of the issue.
It is evident that the overwhelming support stems from the collective disappointment that the United Nations has seemingly endorsed the global propaganda of the Kuki community by unjustly favoring them due to their Christian religion, minority, and victimhood claim. The UN press release lacks balance and impartiality, potentially perpetuating a divisive narrative that needs to be reviewed and rectified.
Yambem Arun Meetei, Secretary General of CEC – World Meetei Council said that the petition challenges several aspects of the UN press release, including the portrayal of the conflict as religious, gender-based, and incited by hate speech. It disputes the characterization of the Kuki community as an ethnic minority and their portrayal as victims. The petition brings to light the complex dynamics of the conflict, emphasizing the status of the Meetei community as the indigenous and endangered community in India.
The petition also addresses the severe consequences of the alleged ethnic cleansing of Meeteis in Chin Kuki-dominated districts on May 3, 2023, which marked the beginning of the ongoing violence in Manipur. It points to alleged illicit plans, actions, and aggression associated with Chin Kuki narco-terrorist groups, their political representatives, and militant factions operating under Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreements with the government. These groups are all motivated by the common goal of establishing a separate nation, “Zale’ngam,” which has never existed.
The petition reached the significant milestone of 100,000 signatures on November 26, 2023. The current total stands at 113,569 signatures and continues to grow. The World Meetei Council will officially close the signature campaign on Saturday, December 2, 2023.
The petition, along with the total number of signatures, will be submitted to the United Nations OHCHR through the official channel. The council urges everyone to sign the appeal if they haven’t done so yet and to gather signatures from their family and friends. The link for the Petition is available online.
The World Meetei Council is confident that the biased UN press release will be reviewed and rectified. They underscore the importance of the United Nations’ role as a neutral and objective international organization.