On Wednesday, CBS premiered Survivor season 44, a brutal start that saw one contestant removed due to a serious injury. The Tika tribe’s 46-year-old insurance agent from Warwick, Rhode Island, Bruce Perreault, left the show after 20 minutes due to a major head injury from the first physical task. The host warned Perreault of his predicament and stressed that his safety was the only option.
Perreault was upset to leave the show, crying because he wanted to win Survivor Season 44. Before leaving the island, his Tika teammates pledged to win Survivor Season 44 for him. After the two-hour debut, two other candidates needed medical attention. After tumbling through a pile of rocks, Ratu tribe member Matthew Grinstead-Mayle dislocated his shoulder and lacerated his foot.
Survivor is a popular reality show. Since 2000, this competitive show has aired. If you’re new to Survivor or want to catch up, you may be wondering how to watch.
First, CBS airs Survivor on cable. The show airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT. You must verify local listings.
No cable? No problem. Survival is available in many ways. A streaming service with CBS is a popular alternative. Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, and fuboTV offer CBS. These services usually charge a monthly fee.
Survivor episodes can also be purchased on Amazon Prime Video or iTunes. If you want to watch a single season or episode without subscribing to a streaming service, this is a wonderful option.
Survivor fans may want to see every episode. We suggest CBS All Access. This streaming service offers all Survivor seasons, CBS programming, and special material. After a seven-day trial, it costs $5.99 with restricted ads or $9.99 for commercial-free streaming.
Survivor is a wild trip no matter how you watch. This show has strategic alliances and tremendous challenges. Grab some popcorn, relax in, and support your favorite castaways.