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United Naga Council Says, Don’t Touch Our Land

United Naga Council said, Don't touch our Land

United Naga Council warned touching Naga lands while demanding separate administration by Kukis.

Imphal/June 1, 2023 (SPN) | The United Naga Council (UNC) has delivered a resolute message to the Government of India, emphasizing that the Naga community will not tolerate any disintegration of Naga areas in an attempt to address the demands of any other community.

This stance by the UNC comes shortly after the 10 Kuki-Chin MLAs raised a separate administration demand.

The United Naga Council, in a memorandum submitted to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, highlighted the potential ramifications of breaking up Naga areas and warned of further violence if the Nagas are adversely affected.

In the memorandum, the UNC stressed the importance of consulting the Naga people while considering any settlement to address the prevailing situation in Manipur.

The UNC called upon the Government of India to uphold the sanctity of the Framework Agreement and expedite its translation into a political reality.

The United Naga Council emphasized the need for an enduring, inclusive, and honorable Indo-Naga political settlement based on the Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015.

The UNC highlighted the recent violence and pandemonium that have gripped Manipur, particularly following the May 3, 2023 Solidarity Rally organized by the All Tribal Students’ Union, Manipur (ATSUM).

The council expressed concern about the escalation of violence and the deteriorating security situation in the state. It lamented that the mayhem and reign of terror have unfolded right under the nose of law enforcement agencies.

The UNC also raised alarm over the proliferation of arms and ammunition from the state government’s armory, which has fueled bloodshed, lawlessness, and a disregard for the rule of law.

The UNC drew attention to the dire consequences of the ongoing crisis, including the burning down of over 300 churches, cases of arson, massacres, rapes, molestation, and sporadic violence.

It further highlighted the dearth of life-saving drugs and essential commodities, despite heavy security deployment, which exemplifies the total collapse of the state machinery.

The council called upon the Union Home Minister to take decisive action to end the madness immediately in the interest of the people.

The memorandum also sheds light on the violence, chaos, and humanitarian crisis unfolding in Manipur. The UNC urges swift action to restore peace and stability in the region.

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