Following up the Press Conference by Mahananda Nunglepam, Indian National Congress Party candidate in the last general Assembly election, regarding the distribution of PMGKAY rice and NFSA rice in Uripok Kendra, the Uripok Kendra Development Forum (UKDF) has found that there has been no distribution of NFSA rice in the Uripok Kendra so far. Uripok MLA Khwairakpam Raghumani Singh will not do politics on NFSA rice. The NFSA rice which entails the distribution of rice to the NFSA cardholders is yet to be lifted from the godown. It was planned to be taken out from the FCS godown today.
The rice which Mahananda is talking about happens to be the PMGKAY rice. In the larger interest of the Uripok Kendra people, MLA Kh Raghumani Singh has been distributing PMGKAY rice to all voters plus all children from the age of 6 to 17 years. This system has been done similarly in other Constituencies. When the food grains are given to all the needy people of the Kendra, what is the heartburn of Mahananda on this? A public leader should always have a large heart.
The new ration card has not been issued now and once the total number beneficiaries of Uripok AC are confirmed, the NFSA rice will be distributed as per the directives. To fill the gap, MLA is providing rice to every family member as mentioned above. Every family members of Uripok Kendra are satisfied with the distribution of PMGKAY rice by Hon’ble MLA Kh Raghumani Singh.
We are quite aware that distribution of NFSA rice has been quite controversial in Manipur for various reasons. We are also know that there are many discrepancies in the selection of beneficiaries which need to be corrected. Here we would like to express our thankfulness to MLA for distributing PMGKAY rice to all irrespective of card holder or not. We also appeal MLA to start distribution of NFSA rice to cardholders as soon as possible.
We also appeal to all not to play politics in NFSA rice and instead help MLA in ensuring the NFSA rice reach the really needy ones.
It is also mentioned that the SK oil for the Constituency has not been distributed. It has been in the possession of the dealers.
UKDF further reiterates that spreading false allegations in social media will not bear any fruits. MLA Kh Raghumani will not indulge in vendetta politics. If any individual wants to clarify their doubts, they are most welcome to come forward. MLA Raghumani believes in assisting the public in a transparent ways.
UKDF warns Mahananda not to politise the issue with wrong information to the common people of Uripok. It is mockery for him to challenge the Election expenditures of the candidate. He must go to the ECI to verify his claims of how much money has been spent by MLA Kh Raghumani in the election. Digging out such irresponsible issues to magnify the allegations might land Mahananda in a defamation suit as well.