It has been circulated in the social media that kids will be targeted by the Drug lords. Drug candy in Halloween is the new buzzword in Internet.

SP NewsDesk

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Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has said Halloween can be scary but nowhere near as scary as rainbow-colored fentanyl that looks like candy and can be lethal in minute doses.

Rainbow Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid, which is 50 times more potent than heroine and 67 times more potent than oxycodone. It is one of the contaminated Halloween candy which is supposed to target kids.

Having said so, parents must be careful and take care of the kids. As it is rumored that there will be Drug Candy in Halloween, parents must inspect the candies.

It is also reported that smugglers will be targeting teens to sell drugs during the Halloween. Marijuana candy bar might be the hot sellers Halloween candy in the States where it is legal,

Let us not confuse our kids which candy they should eat  or not. What will be purpose of tricks or treats when we instill a fear psychosis of drug candy in Halloween.

It is better to meet  vampires, spooky and scary characters during Halloween, rather than meeting our kids with the criminals who use drugs.

Let the kids choose their own costumes and enjoy the Festival. Don't panic of Drug Candy in Halloween.