The first day of spring 2023 marks the beginning of the season of renewal, growth, and new beginnings.

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The date of the first day of spring varies slightly each year, falling between March 19-21, depending on when the vernal equinox occurs.

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March 21 is a special day for nature lovers in the USA, as it marks the first day of spring 2023. 

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The vernal equinox is the moment when the sun is directly above the equator, and day and night are roughly equal in length.

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The first day of spring is also known as the spring equinox.

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In many cultures, the first day of spring is celebrated with festivals, feasts, and other traditions.

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The first day of spring is a great time to start planning and planting a garden.

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Many cities hold spring festivals and events to celebrate the season, such as cherry blossom festivals or flower shows.

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