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BJP is responsible for price hike – MPCC

MPCC leader said BJP is responsible for price hike.

Addressing media persons at Congress Bhawan on Tuesday, L. Tilotama stated that demonization had hit the entire country just after the formation of the Modi government and GST was introduced in the nation which caused immense inconveniences to the citizens. This has led to the price hike of essential commodities as well.

The rate of inflation has increased rapidly just after the 12th Manipur Assembly Election, 2022 was conducted, alleged Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) Vice-President L. Tilotama Devi.

She said that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused problems to all economic activities in the country and created a larger impact on the poor people who are still suffering due to the deadliest virus.

She claimed that prices of essential commodities are increasing day after day following the Covid-19 situation and the BJP government has failed to control the price rise.

She alleged that the BJP government had harassed the common people due to price hike. He also said that BJP govt once reduced the rate of petrol and LPG before holding the election in five States but as soon as the election ended the prices of daily essential commodities skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

She claimed that the prices of petroleum products, LPG, and other essential items have increased 15 times in 16 days. She said that such things have never happened before and it is a historical event.

Tilotama strongly opposed the imposition of GST in buying even a simple item, saying that it has increased the suffering of the common people. She also claimed that GST is a silent killer as it did not exempt the charges even on importation of Handloom & Handicrafts and fermented fish products from the State.

The Congress leader also contended that small-scale industries of the State are dying and they are in a state of shutdown. She said that the present government has been running with a financial deficit and it will not be able to pay the loans it had taken from.

She alleged that the government is not able to supply adequate drinking water to the people but keeps on chanting its slogan ‘Acche Din’.Tilotama expressed hope that the government would surely frame a long-term policy to ease the suffering of the people.

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