Last Updated on April 1, 2023 by SPN Editor
Blizzard’s decision to wipe all characters after the limited Diablo 4 beta trial has left many players disappointed, especially those who acquired powerful loot from the world boss Ashava.
However, the game developer is offering consolation rewards to those who participate in the Early Access and Open Beta and stick around for a while.
Diablo 4 beta participants may be disappointed that they won’t be able to keep their hard-earned loot, but the consolation rewards from Blizzard are nothing to scoff at. In fact, these rewards are more than just meaningless trinkets – they can give players a head start in the retail release of the game.
For example, the Initial Casualty title can be obtained simply by reaching the town of Kyovashad. This title may seem insignificant at first, but it can serve as a badge of honor for those who participated in the beta and made it to this point.
Similarly, the Early Voyager title and the Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic are tied to reaching Level 20 in the beta, a significant milestone. These rewards may not provide gameplay advantages, but they can make your character stand out and show your dedication to the game.

We must take a closer look at the rewards that Diablo 4 beta participants can expect to receive and how they can unlock even more rewards by pre-ordering the game.
Consolation Rewards for Diablo 4 Beta Participants
Blizzard is providing three rewards to gamers who participate in the Diablo 4 beta: the Initial Casualty title, Early Voyager title, and Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic. The Initial Casualty title is easy to acquire by reaching the town of Kyovashad, which serves as the main hub during early adventures.
The Early Voyager title and Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic, on the other hand, are locked behind Level 20, which is five levels shy of the Level 25 beta cap. Once a player reaches these milestones with one character, they will receive these prizes the first time they boot up Diablo 4 after launch (June 6, 2023).
Pre-Order Bonuses for Additional Rewards
While these titles and the cosmetic item are linked to Diablo 4 beta participation, players can unlock even more rewards if they pre-order the game. The base version of Diablo 4 includes the special Light Bearer mount, the Inarius Wings cosmetic and Inarius Murloc pet for Diablo 3, the Amalgam of Rage mount for World of Warcraft, and the Umber Winged Darkness cosmetic for Diablo Immortal.
If you opt for the Digital Deluxe Edition, you’ll receive all of the above plus four days of early access for Diablo 4, the Temptation mount, the Hellborn Carapace Mount armor, and a Premium Seasonal Battle Pass unlock.
For the ultimate Diablo 4 experience, the Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition offers almost all of the above plus a Wings of the Creator emote and an Accelerated Seasonal Battle Pass unlock, which includes 20 tier skips. Every pre-order includes a ticket to play the Early Access beta, giving players an extra week to earn rewards.
Of course, the real pre-order bonuses are where the true rewards lie. The Light Bearer mount, Inarius Wings cosmetic, and Inarius Murloc pet for Diablo 3 are all fantastic rewards that can be obtained by purchasing the base version of Diablo 4. Meanwhile, the Digital Deluxe Edition offers even more goodies, including early access to the game, the Temptation mount, and the Hellborn Carapace Mount armor.
While it may be disappointing to lose your progress after the beta, it’s important to remember that the beta is just a taste of what’s to come in the full release of Diablo 4. With all of these exciting rewards and bonuses available to players, there’s no doubt that the full game will be worth the wait.