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Google One AI Premium: Price and Availability

Last Updated on February 12, 2024 by SPN Editor

The Google One AI Premium plan is now available for purchase at $19.99 per month (or equivalent in other currencies: £18.99 or AU$32.99). Unlike some other Google One plans, there’s no option to pay annually for a discount, but you have the flexibility to cancel anytime. As of now, Google is offering free two-month trials for Google One AI Premium, allowing you to explore its features without any initial cost. You can sign up and compare plans directly on the Google One website.

Features and Benefits of Google One AI Premium

So, what do you get with Google One AI Premium? Let’s break it down:

Ample Storage: With Google One AI Premium, you receive 2TB of storage to use across various Google services, including Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. If you’ve ever felt restricted by the meager 15GB of free storage, this upgrade is a game-changer.
Priority Support: All Google One plans come with priority support, ensuring that your queries and issues receive prompt attention.
Google Store Perks: Subscribers enjoy 10% back on purchases made in the Google Store, making it a sweet deal for tech enthusiasts.
Enhanced Google Photos Editing: Google One AI Premium unlocks additional editing features for Google Photos, including the intriguing Magic Eraser tool.
Dark Web Monitoring: Worried about your personal information leaking online? Google One AI Premium includes a dark web monitoring service that keeps an eye out for any potential leaks.
Google One VPN: Protect your online privacy with the Google One VPN, which is part of the package.

The AI Powerhouse: Gemini Advanced

The real star of Google One AI Premium is Gemini Advanced. This feature grants you access to the “most capable” version of Google’s Gemini model, known as Ultra 1.0. Think of it as upgrading from the free ChatGPT plan to ChatGPT Plus. Gemini Ultra 1.0 boasts state-of-the-art performance and excels at handling highly complex tasks involving text, images, and code. Whether you’re a researcher, developer, or creative professional, Gemini Advanced opens up new possibilities.

Google’s strides in artificial intelligence (AI) have reached a significant milestone with the introduction of the Ultra 1.0 model. This model has achieved something remarkable: it outperforms human experts in massive multitask language understanding (MMLU). MMLU combines knowledge from 57 diverse subjects, including mathematics, physics, history, law, medicine, and ethics, to assess problem-solving abilities1.

But what does this mean for users?

Google Gemini App: Whether you’re an Android user or an iOS enthusiast, the dedicated Google Gemini app is available to everyone. You don’t need a subscription to access it. The app integrates Gemini features seamlessly, enhancing your overall experience.
Web Interface: The same applies to the web interface. Whether you’re browsing on your computer or mobile device, you can tap into Gemini’s capabilities without paying for a premium plan.
Google One AI Premium: Now, if you opt for the Google One AI Premium plan, you’ll unlock the full potential of Ultra 1.0. This superior model is like upgrading from a free plan to a premium one. It’s akin to moving from basic ChatGPT to ChatGPT Plus. Ultra 1.0 boasts state-of-the-art performance, excelling at handling complex tasks involving text, images, and code.

Price of Google One AI Premium

Google One AI Premium costs $19.99 per month (or equivalent in other currencies: £18.99 or AU$32.99). In return, you get 2TB of storage for your Google services (Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos). Plus, all the perks of Google One, including priority support, Google Store rewards, enhanced Google Photos editing (including the intriguing Magic Eraser), dark web monitoring, and the Google One VPN2.

Essentially, you’re paying an extra $10 (or equivalent) for Gemini Advanced. Think of it as investing in a powerful tool that can handle intricate tasks across various domains. Whether you’re a researcher, developer, or creative professional, Gemini Advanced opens up new horizons.

Should You Upgrade?

The decision to upgrade to Google One AI Premium depends on your needs. If you crave more storage, advanced AI capabilities, and exclusive perks, it’s certainly worth considering. Plus, those free two months give you a risk-free opportunity to explore the premium features.

Google One AI Premium combines storage, support, and cutting-edge AI – a compelling package for those who want to stay ahead in the digital age.

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