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Thousands of Manipuri Community Rally for Peace in Delhi

Manipuri Community

Manipur for Peace was organised by Manipuri community at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on Sunday.

New Delhi/ June 5, 2023(SPN) | Thousands of the Manipuri community gathered to participate in a peace demonstration at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Sunday.

The rally aimed to draw attention to the violent crisis plaguing Manipur since May 3 and called for the restoration of peace and normalcy in the region.

The Manipuri community (Meitei, Naga, Punjabi, Meitei Pangal) and various other communities unequivocally condemned the divisive politics perpetuated by the drug mafia and armed militant groups, specifically the Chin-Kuki-Zo faction, with the support of certain political figures.

The mindless violence resulting from these conflicts has led to significant loss of life and property on both sides.

During the rally, several speakers highlighted that innocent civilians, regardless of their ethnicity—whether Kukis or Meiteis—have borne the brunt of this senseless carnage.

The Manipur Coordination Committee (Delhi), a conglomerate of Manipur Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and student organizations from Delhi, organized the event. The rally also received support from democratic groups across India, besides the Manipuri Community.

The participants raised various points for the consideration of the Indian government. They emphasized that the ongoing violence is orchestrated by the drug mafia and Kuki terrorists, who have gained backing from the political class.

They highlighted the plight of the unassuming Meitei public, who have become victims of this manipulated retaliatory action.

One significant issue raised during the rally was the proliferation of fake news and false propaganda circulating on social media, national news channels, and international platforms since the outbreak of violence in Manipur.

The Meiteis have been unjustly portrayed as the perpetrators of violence in the valley districts, while incidents of Meitei houses being burned in Kuki-dominated areas have been largely ignored.

Such misleading information only exacerbates the situation and hinders efforts to restore normalcy, further deepening the divide between the two communities.

The rally shed light on the underlying factors fueling the conflict. It exposed a web of well-crafted actions by a nexus of Kuki terrorists, frontal organizations, intellectuals, and politicians, manipulating the anti-reservation protest to further their agenda.

Recent incidents, such as the burning of Meitei houses in Sugnu, Torbung Bangla, and Dolaithabi, serve as evidence of the extent of this orchestrated aggression.

The Kuki terrorists’ intention appears to be the consolidation of Kuki lebensraum, eradicating the presence of Meiteis from these areas.

The destruction caused by these repeated attacks is staggering. Approximately 1,800 families from 13 Meitei villages in the Churachandpur district have been entirely displaced.

Surprisingly, Meitei houses were repeatedly set ablaze in Engourok Chingmang, a region guarded by the Assam Rifles. The rally also brought attention to the targeted vandalization of Sanamahi religious places, with over 3,000 secret locations burnt down by Kuki terrorists.

The issue of illegal immigration and its impact on Manipur’s demographic balance was also addressed. The Kuki-Chin-Zo population, comprising both Myanmar and Indian nationals, has significantly increased due to unchecked migration across the porous border.

The rise in numbers poses challenges and threatens the indigenous population of Manipur. The implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Manipur, as assured by Union Home Minister Amit Shah, was emphasized as a necessary step to identify and address the issue of foreigners entering Manipur after 1951.

The rally also highlighted the ecological threats posed by poppy cultivation, which has been rampant in Manipur. The extensive scale of poppy cultivation, particularly in Kuki-Chin-dominated areas, has resulted in ecological imbalances, deforestation, irregular rainfall, flash floods, and rising temperatures. These challenges have significantly impacted disaster management efforts in the state.

Narco-terrorism emerged as another significant concern. The involvement of armed militants, both under the Suspension of Operation (SoO) and non-SoO groups, in funding poppy plantations and drug trafficking threatens national security.

The ongoing civil war in Myanmar has facilitated the infiltration of Kuki terrorists into Manipur through Kuki-dominated regions, elevating the risk of Manipur becoming the new Golden Triangle.

The unique land-related challenges faced by Manipur were highlighted during the rally. With 90% of the population residing in the valley, where anyone can purchase land, a significant rift has developed between the valley dwellers (Meiteis) and the hill dwellers.

The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act, 1960, was deemed in need of review to rectify this imbalance.

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