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AI Calculator Predicts When’ll You Die with Extreme Accuracy

Last Updated on December 22, 2023 by SPN Editor

Indeed, the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are expanding at an unprecedented rate. From predicting stock market trends to forecasting potential health issues years in advance, AI is revolutionizing numerous sectors. The recent development of the AI Calculator known as ‘Doom Calculator’ is a testament to the power and precision of AI. This AI Calculator can predict mortality with remarkable accuracy, which, while impressive, can also be unsettling. It’s a stark reminder of the ethical considerations we must address as AI continues to advance and intertwine with our lives.

While these developments can be intimidating, it’s important to remember that the goal of AI is to enhance our lives, not to instill fear. As we continue to navigate the future of AI, we must focus on harnessing its potential for good, while also being mindful of the risks and challenges it presents. This balance is key to ensuring a future where AI serves as a beneficial tool rather than a source of fear.

The AI Calculator’s death predictive capabilities could significantly impact personal healthcare. By interpreting the various factors that the AI identifies as influential to lifespan, healthcare providers may be able to offer personalized, preventative treatments. This could enhance the quality of care and shift the focus towards prevention rather than treatment.

However, the AI Calculator does have its limitations. Its predictions are based on current data and algorithms, which means they may not account for future medical advancements or unforeseen life events.

AI Calculator: AI’s Leap Towards Predicting Mortality

Would you want to know the date of your demise? With advancements in Artificial intelligence, this once rhetorical question might soon have a practical answer through AI Calculator.

The Accuracy of AI Calculator Predictions

An AI model, aptly named the ‘Doom Calculator’, has demonstrated an uncanny ability to predict mortality. The AI Calculator was able to accurately predict the demise of individuals by 2020 with a staggering accuracy of 78%, according to the researchers’ report.

However, the study participants were not informed of their death predictions. “That would be very irresponsible,” said Sune Lehmann, one of the researchers involved in the project.

Factors Influencing Mortality

The AI Calculator identified several factors associated with earlier deaths, including having a mental health diagnosis, being male, or having a skilled profession. Conversely, holding a leadership role at work and earning a higher income were linked to longer lifespans.

Lehmann revealed that the AI Calculator could predict personalities and decisions to make international moves. “This model can predict almost anything,” he stated.

The ‘Doom Calculator’: A Revolutionary AI Algorithm

The ‘Doom Calculator’, an AI algorithm, has been making headlines for its ability to predict whether people would die within four years in over 75% of the cases.

A project spearheaded by researchers from Denmark and the U.S. was recently featured in the online journal, Nature Computational Science. The team developed an AI machine-learning transformer model, similar to ChatGPT, but without the interactive capabilities.

This model, named life2vec, processed data such as age, health status, education, employment, income, and other life events from over 6 million Danish citizens. This data was provided by the Danish government, who also participated in the research.

The model was trained to process information about individuals’ lives in sentence form. For instance, “In September 2012, Francisco received 20,000 Danish kroner as a guard at a castle in Elsinore.” Or, “During her third year at secondary boarding school, Hermione followed five elective classes,” as stated in the research paper.

As life2vec developed, it gained the ability to construct “individual human life trajectories.”

Sune Lehmann, the paper’s author and a professor of networks and complexity science at the Technical University of Denmark, explained in Northeastern Global News that “The whole story of a human life, in a way, can also be thought of as a giant long sentence of the many things that can happen to a person.” Lehmann, a former postdoctoral fellow at Northeastern, collaborated on this project with Tina Eliassi-Rad, a professor of computer science at the Boston-based university.

Lehmann’s team examined a diverse population of approximately 6 million Danish individuals of varying genders and ages from 2008 to 2020. The researchers used life2vec to determine which subjects were likely to survive for at least four years after January 1, 2016.

The Conversation Around ‘p(doom)’

The ‘Doom Calculator’ has initiated a new discussion among AI specialists: “What’s your p(doom)?”. Here, ‘p’ represents the probability, and ‘doom’ signifies a complex and hostile AI that operates beyond human control. The concept of p(doom) is an effort to measure the risk of a catastrophic event where AI, particularly superintelligent AI, inflicts serious damage on humanity or even causes human extinction.

The risk of deceptive AI is currently theoretical, but it has drawn the industry’s attention because AI is rapidly approaching human capabilities, faster than anticipated. The scenarios considered in the p(doom) discussion are frightening, albeit seemingly unlikely: these include biological warfare, the disruption of natural resources, and nuclear attacks.

How can we ensure the ethical use of AI Calculator?

Establishing AI Ethics and a Code of Ethics: It’s essential to clearly define the values and principles that AI systems should follow. This includes respect for privacy, fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Creating Ethical and Unbiased AI Systems: AI systems should be designed and trained to prevent biases and discrimination. This involves careful selection and examination of training data, and regular audits of AI systems for bias and fairness.

Maintaining Transparency: AI systems should operate transparently. Users should have the ability to comprehend how an AI system arrives at its decisions and the factors it takes into account.

Upholding Privacy and Data Protection: The ethical use of data in AI applications is of paramount importance. The methods of data collection, storage, usage, and sharing can significantly impact individuals and society.

Implementing Regulation and Oversight: Regulations and oversight mechanisms should be in place to monitor the use of AI and ensure adherence to ethical standards.

Promoting Public Engagement: The public should be engaged in discussions about AI ethics. This includes raising awareness about the ethical implications of AI, and involving the public in decision-making processes about AI governance.

Encouraging Continual Learning and Adaptation: As AI technology advances, our understanding and approach to AI ethics should also evolve. Regular reviews and updates of ethical guidelines and regulations are necessary to keep up with advancements in AI.

Fostering Collaboration: Ethical AI necessitates collaboration among AI developers, users, regulators, and other stakeholders. By working together, we can ensure that AI is used in a manner that benefits society and minimizes harm.

The future of AI Calculator: Doom or Boom?

Despite the pessimistic outlook, not everyone subscribes to the AI doom narrative. Some AI experts, including Andrew Ng, the founder and leader of the Google Brain project, and Pedro Domingos, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, argue the contrary.

The ‘Doom Calculator’ and the p(doom) discussion underscore the necessity for continuous dialogue about the ethical implications of AI. As AI continues to develop and become more complex, it’s vital to weigh both its potential advantages and risks.

The AI Calculator serves as a stark reminder of AI’s power and the importance of responsibly utilizing this technology. Whether we’re on the brink of AI doom or an AI boom, one thing is certain: AI will continue to significantly influence our future.

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