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World Meetei Council Writes to UN Exposing Chin-Kuki’s Lies

Last Updated on October 21, 2023 by SPN Editor

Imphal/October 06, 2023 (SPN) | The World Meetei Council (WMC) Central Executive Committee (CEC) has taken a significant step towards resolving the ongoing conflict in Manipur by reaching out to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in a letter dated October 3.

World Meetei Council wrote to the UN, exposing Chin-Kuki’s lies and also appealing for immediate action to bring an end to the conflict and restore normalcy to the region.

In their official statement, Yambem Arun Meetei, the Secretary-General of WMC CEC, revealed that their appeal urged the United Nations to collaborate with the governments of India and Manipur to address the pressing issue.

World Meetei Council also provided the United Nations with a concise historical background of the Meetei and Chin-Kuki communities and shed light on the current conflict, which has persisted since May 3.

The statement reads, “Despite the existence of undeniable evidence, the Chin-Kuki faction has been disseminating false information through various media channels and social media platforms. They have even submitted memorandums to the UN and the governments of Israel, Germany, and Canada containing fabricated information and data.”

The situation in Manipur remains volatile, with Chin-Kuki militants continuing their attacks on the Meetei population, including farmers in the foothills. These attacks, involving mortars and firearms, persist despite the presence of Assam Rifles and the Indian Army.

Consequently, the cultivation of paddy in the valley has been severely disrupted, and the region faces the looming threat of conflict-induced famine, not to mention the casualties among innocent Meetei people.

World Meetei Council also pointed out that the conflict has led to various heinous crimes committed by Chin Kuki in Manipur. Notably, the kidnapping and brutal murder of two Meetei students by Chin-Kuki militants triggered protests by the student community in the Imphal valley on September 26. Unfortunately, the security forces’ response to these protests was deemed heavy-handed, resulting in injuries to as many as 40 students, some of whom sustained life-threatening injuries.

WMC emphasized that their communication with the United Nations is fact-based and evidence-supported. They have urged the UN to conduct an independent investigation to verify the facts surrounding the conflict and leverage their influence to promptly end the violence and restore normalcy in Manipur.

Furthermore, WMC requested the United Nations to work closely with the Government of India to safeguard the rights of the Meeteis, who are the indigenous and aboriginal people of the region. They have called for the inclusion of Meeteis in the list of Scheduled Tribes of the Indian Constitution.

World Meetei Council highlighted the urgency of their appeal, exposing Chin-Kuki’s lies, fabricated data, and ongoing episodes of violence. Their aim is to seek UN intervention to put an end to the devastating impact of the conflict on normal life in Manipur since May 3. The comprehensive 50-page letter is available on WMC’s website for reference.