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Last Updated on September 24, 2023 by SPN Editor

The proscribed RPF condoles the demise of Captain Lucky, Captain Sanjit, and Captain Ayangba.
According to a press release issued by the RPF’s Assistant Secretary, Publicity Bangkim, the three Captains were killed when they were ambushed by Indian Occupational Forces at a place in Kamjong district at around 9 am yesterday.

PLA’s Capt Hongba alias Lucky, real name Yumnam Lucky (Tangba) s/o Y Tomchou and Yumnam (O) Angai (Nupimacha) of Moreh Turel Wangma (Ward No 7), Capt Sanjit, real name Wangkhem Jiten Meetei s/o Wangkhem Kanhai Meetei and Wangkhem (O) Ahanbi of Yairipok Heirong Thongkhong and Capt Shashikanta alias Ayangba, real name Moirangthem Bisarup s/o Moirangthem Ibomcha Meetei and Moirangthem (O) Sumila Chanu of Wangkhei Ayangpalli Ningthem Pukhri Mapal were killed by the Indian military forces who laid an ambush.

Captain Hongba alias Lucky joined the RPF on August 20, 2006 and he was inducted into the PLA on December 25, 2006 after completion of basic military training.

Captain Sanjit joined the RPF on March 10, 2007 and was inducted into the PLA on October 27, 2008.

Captain Shashikanta alias Ayangba joined the RPF on November 16, 2007 and was inducted into the PLA on October 27, 2008.

All three of them were serving the party as Lieutenants when they achieved martyrdom at the hands of the adversary.

Nonetheless, considering their dedication to the cause of the party and the motherland, they have been promoted posthumously to the rank of Captain, the outfit informed. All three of them were courageous, calm, honest, persevering and well-disciplined freedom fighters who cherished freedom and loved the motherland, the compatriots and the party with all their hearts, added RPF.

On the demise of the three Captains, RPF condoles and organized a condolence meeting at all units, departments, and stations, it said. The outfit further conveyed solidarity to the bereaved families, relatives, and friends.

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